Use of proof of vaccination outside Quebec

The format of the proof of vaccination for travel outside Quebec is different from that used in Quebec. This proof of vaccination must be used for any travel outside Quebec.

The proof is recognized and can be used in all Canadian provinces, as well as in several American states and countries around the world, to demonstrate your protection status. Each province or country determines the protection status it recognizes as “adequately protected”. The criteria for this protection status may differ from those in Quebec. It is your responsibility to find out about the standards in force in the planned destination before you travel and to comply with them.

Download the QR code for travel outside Quebec from the  self-service portal This link will open in a new window.  shortly before your departure. If you wish to print it, follow the instructions indicated in the self-service portal.

Name of the proof of vaccination different from that of the passport

It may happen that the name on the proof of identity does not match the name on the proof of vaccination. Other examples include people from remote or indigenous communities where official identification may be more difficult.

If you are in this situation, the air carrier has the option of accepting proof of vaccination that does not perfectly match the traveler’s identification documents. As long as you are able to prove that your proof of vaccination is indeed yours by other means, for example by presenting your health insurance card or a letter from the leader of your indigenous community.

If your trips outside Quebec require other proof of screening tests, be sure to bring the required documents with you.

Travel elsewhere in Canada

There is no preventive isolation measure planned for people arriving from other Canadian provinces. However, it is recommended to avoid non-essential travel.

Other provinces may have specific rules regarding the reception of travelers from Quebec, to find out about these measures, consult  the COVID-19 information website of the province of destination This link will open in a new window. .

international travel

For all traveler requirements, please consult the Public Health Agency of Canada This link will open in a new window.  website and the Entering Canada by land and air during the COVID-19 pandemic page on This link will open in a new window.

All persons  returning from a stay outside Canada and who are in preventive isolation at home must therefore respect the Isolation instructions for persons returning from a foreign country.

Exemption from orders under the Quarantine Act

Y For more information, consult the  Government of Canada website This link will open in a new window. .

Note that companies that deliver goods to Quebec from abroad do not have to ask their employees to place themselves in temporary isolation.

Exemption for vaccinated travelers entering Canada

For quarantine conditions and requirements, see  Travelers Vaccinated Against COVID-19 Entering Canada This link will open in a new window. .

Leaving Canada

Some countries require travelers and nationals to provide medical certificates or COVID-19 tests upon arrival. These requirements are not an indication of screening in Quebec

Here are the private laboratories which are recognized by the Public Health Laboratory of Quebec and which have agreed to carry out the tests and certificates prescribed for travelers and nationals. You can contact these laboratories directly to obtain a test or communicate with a sampling centre, which can confirm whether it has the analysis carried out by a recognized laboratory.

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